Same concerts in other times
Selection from the great eras of film music
Not only have Hungarian people established film studios in Hollywood, but among the componists of the first big blockbusters we can find familiar names, such as the three-time Oscar winner Miklós Rózsa. Our concert offers a selection of the great era of movie music with hits that belong on their own rights to the musical classics of the 20th or 21st century. About the music and the stories behind it, the conductor of the evening, Máté Hámori is going to talk.
Rózsa Miklós
A bagdadi tolvaj – szvit
Max Steiner
Casablanca – szvit
Robin Hood kalandjai – szvit
Elmer Bernstein
A hét mesterlövész
John Williams
A cápa – szvit
Bernard Herrmann
Psycho – szvit
John Williams
E.T. – főtéma
John Williams
Star wars – főtéma
Hans Zimmer
Csillagok között – szvit