Other concerts in this series
Music for Kings
Joint concert of the Saint Ephraim Male Choir a and the Danubia Orchestra
It's one thing that King Alfonso X of Spain was so clever that he is still referred to as 'Wise Alfonso', but he was also a great musician who wrote some really cool songs. In England, Henry VIII had a similarly good ear, to whom, for example, we owe the world-famous Greensleeves melody - although it may be that he was the only one who made it famous, and did not actually write it. In this interactive music session, we'll explore these questions and discover royal music together, based on the Men's Choir's Kings & Queens programme, which includes the Lion King theme, the music from Game of Thrones, and even Byzantine Mary songs. We will sing, clap and beat along with the audience to these royal(ish) tunes.
The performance lasts approximately 60 minutes.
Bölcs Alfonz
Cantigák - Rosa das Rosas, Santa Maria Amar
Mizmor le David
Dávid király zsoltára
Bubnó Lőrinc
Winter in Green (fantázia a Greensleeves és a Trónok harca dallamára)
Papp Viktor
Mennyei király
Bogorodice Devo
Bubnó Márk – Elton John – Tim Rice
Circle of Life
Ragupathi raghav raja ram – hindi vallásos ének