Bartók X Electric

Featuring Deva

No classical
Loyalty programme


2025. April 5. | Saturday | 19.00 - 21.00
1124 Budapest, Csörsz u. 18., MOM Kulturális Központ
10 000, 12 000 HUF

Is there a way through between the different genres? How free is music, how free is the musician, and how free are You, dear audience? At our concerts we show you classical masterpieces in a non-classical way, while we are trying to prove, that there is no classical music – there is only music. This way classical music can meet folk music, jazz, electronic and pop music, oper and soul too. It is just fun – no classical.
Folk music and folk songs have found their way naturally into the popular culture. From English Patient to rap, which is the modern folk music itself – with less musical tone of course, than a folk song. This evening Deva and Danubia Orhcestra approach the folk songs from two different styles, and the moderator will be Béla Bartók himself, whose folk song adaptations for piano and vocal will be on program by the arrangements of Máté Balogh.
Dorina Takács Дeva was already a significant character of the Hungarian popular music at her young age. The mood of Hungarian folk songs is connected to her electro-atmospheric music, and the success of her songs is well-represented by the fact that international radio channels play them regularly. In 2022, she was chosen as the Female Artist of the Year at the Petőfi Music Awards.
Béla Bartók: 20 Hungarian folksongs
Before his twenty Hungarian folksong serie from 1929 Béla Bartók had worked with folk melodies in his other compositions too, and in this serie he arranged those folk songs, which he chose from his 1924 monography. He composed an orchestral version too, but this wasn’t eventually presented due to political reasons.
After the concert we await our audience with a glass of champagne and playing music together.


Bartók Béla - Balogh Máté
Bartók’s Speech on Folk Songs



Garamvári Szőlőbirtok Vinárium Borgazdaság Kft.